Stallions Standing
Stallion | Contact | Service Fee | Phone |
El Doute (AUS) 2010 | Peter Scholes | $POA | 027 290 7877 |
Executive Decision (NZ) 2000 | Trevor Berge | $POA | 07 332 5559 |
Falkirk (NZ) 2000 | Rodney Schick | $POA | 07 827 6656 |
Foreign Influence (NZ) 2005 | Trevor Berge | $POA | 07 332 5559 |
It's So Bad (NZ) 2007 | Maria Perkins | $POA | 021 121 9516 |
Keano (NZ) 2005 | Jeff Bliss | $POA | 027 241 2861 |
O'Reilly's Choice (NZ) 2013 | Christopher Russell | $POA | 06 879 4560 |
Rafflesia (JPN) 2012 | Geoff Georgetti | $POA | 021 158 8464 |
Ripper Tap (NZ) 2013 | Graham Tippett | $POA | 0274 357 415 |
Savabeel (AUS) 2001 | Mark Chittick | $POA | 07 888 7717 |
Sir Ego (NZ) 2014 | Elizabeth Rennie | $POA | 027 4509 392 |
Southern Lights (JPN) 2011 | Geoff Georgetti | $POA | 021 158 8464 |
The Bok (NZ) 2013 | Grant Tucker | $POA | 027 378 4245 |
Ybother (NZ) 2002 | Phillip Williams | $POA | 09 297 7488 |
Dial A Prayer (NZ) 2011 | Mark Corcoran | $500.00 | 027 245 5166 |
Fabulous (NZ) 2010 | Peter McKenzie | $500.00 | 06 368 2475 |
Sir Richard (NZ) 2002 | Sharron Leckie | $800.00 | 027 823 1103 |
Ego (NZ) 2005 | Daniel Nakhle | $1,000.00 | 09 299 2212 |
Gorky Park (NZ) 2003 | Wayne Carter | $1,000.00 | 07 543 0305 |
Little Wonder (NZ) 2009 | Frances Crimmins | $1,000.00 | 021 181 4150 |
Move Faster (NZ) 2009 | Megan Liefting | $1,000.00 | 09 236 3454 |
Quorum (NZ) 1996 | Raewyn Waters | $1,000.00 | 09 267 2290 |
Tandarra Crown (NZ) 1999 | Kathy Scott | $1,000.00 | 06 355 4969 |
Tropical Achiever (NZ) 2012 | Lesley O'Connor | $1,000.00 | 06 839 7375 |
The King (NZ) 2011 | Christopher Dennis | $1,250.00 | 03 231 3201 |
Danger Looms (AUS) 2002 | Craig Ironside | $1,500.00 | 06 362 6946 |
Natural Destiny (AUS) 2002 | Aaron Tapper | $1,500.00 | 027 526 9979 |
Playmaker (NZ) 2006 | Sarah Gregory-Hunt | $1,500.00 | 06 845 4016 |
Thunder Down Under (AUS) 2012 | Stephen Ralph | $1,500.00 | 021 689 267 |
Civics (AUS) 1999 | Elizabeth Martin | $2,000.00 | 09 534 2979 |
Remind (USA) 2000 | Myles Gordon | $2,000.00 | 03 318 3083 |
The Bold One (NZ) 2010 | Mark Corcoran | $2,000.00 | 027 245 5166 |
Tiger Prawn (SAF) 2002 | Gary Hennessy | $2,000.00 | 021 358 191 |
D'Cash (AUS) 1996 | Donna Williamson | $2,500.00 | 021 339 555 |
Rios (NZ) 2004 | Danica Guy | $2,500.00 | 021 413 823 |
Coats Choice (AUS) 2001 | Edwina Morris | $3,000.00 | 03 338 6990 |
He's Remarkable (NZ) 2007 | Simms Davison | $3,000.00 | 07 888 6814 |
Man Of Power (AUS) 2005 | Barbara Brough | $3,000.00 | 07 828 7007 |
Onceuponatime (NZ) 2004 | Donna Williamson | $3,000.00 | 021 339 555 |
Perfectly Ready (AUS) 2002 | Nick King | $3,000.00 | 07 824 0855 |
Verdi (NZ) 2012 | Myles Gordon | $3,000.00 | 03 318 3083 |
What's The Story (NZ) 2012 | Peter Westend | $3,000.00 | 021 309 908 |
Bullbars (AUS) 2007 | Brent Gillovic | $4,000.00 | 07 825 2649 |
Castledale (IRE) 2001 | Wayne Larsen | $4,000.00 | 027 497 5115 |
Gallant Guru (AUS) 2002 | Brian Anderton | $4,000.00 | 03 489 5308 |
Mulaazem (AUS) 2009 | Geoff Georgetti | $4,000.00 | 021 158 8464 |
Pure Champion (IRE) 2007 | Barbara Cooney | $4,000.00 | 03 689 2622 |
Alamosa (NZ) 2004 | Stu Shirriffs | $5,000.00 | 027 455 4999 |
Complacent (AUS) 2010 | Simms Davison | $5,000.00 | 07 888 6814 |
Dalghar (FR) 2006 | Nick King | $5,000.00 | 07 824 0855 |
Derryn (AUS) 2013 | Mark Corcoran | $5,000.00 | 027 245 5166 |
Embellish (NZ) 2014 | Scott Calder | $5,000.00 | 027 616 4235 |
Highly Recommended (AUS) 2008 | Edwina Morris | $5,000.00 | 03 338 6990 |
Mongolian Falcon (AUS) 2013 | Barbara Cooney | $5,000.00 | 03 689 2622 |
Nadeem (AUS) 2003 | Sam Williams | $5,000.00 | 06 377 5098 |
Niagara (AUS) 2008 | Rick Williams | $5,000.00 | 07 823 3026 |
Puccini (NZ) 2010 | Simms Davison | $5,000.00 | 07 888 6814 |
Rageese (AUS) 2012 | Rodney Schick | $5,000.00 | 07 827 6656 |
Road To Rock (AUS) 2004 | Stu Shirriffs | $5,000.00 | 027 455 4999 |
Roc de Cambes (NZ) 2004 | Rick Williams | $5,000.00 | 07 823 3026 |
Savile Row (NZ) 2013 | Jonathan Scully | $5,000.00 | 027 531 4949 |
Sun Ruler (AUS) 2005 | Cherie Archer | $5,000.00 | 027 268 0407 |
Sweet Orange (USA) 2007 | Brent Gillovic | $5,000.00 | 07 825 2649 |
Telperion (AUS) 2013 | Russell Warwick | $5,000.00 | 09 292 7070 |
Unusual Suspect (USA) 2004 | Nigel Auret | $5,000.00 | 021 342 680 |
Vanbrugh (AUS) 2012 | Rodney Schick | $5,000.00 | 07 827 6656 |
Vespa (NZ) 2011 | Stu Shirriffs | $5,000.00 | 027 455 4999 |
Wrote (IRE) 2009 | Brent Gillovic | $5,000.00 | 07 825 2649 |
Burgundy (NZ) 2008 | Scott Calder | $6,000.00 | 027 616 4235 |
Echoes Of Heaven (AUS) 2007 | Bruce Pamatatau | $6,000.00 | 021 726 610 |
Ghibellines (AUS) 2011 | Brian Anderton | $6,000.00 | 03 489 5308 |
Jon Snow (NZ) 2013 | Aaron Tapper | $6,000.00 | 027 526 9979 |
Raise The Flag (GB) 2005 | Brian Anderton | $6,000.00 | 03 489 5308 |
Sweynesse (AUS) 2011 | Ray Knight | $6,000.00 | 027 495 7319 |
Zed (NZ) 2002 | Mark Corcoran | $6,000.00 | 027 245 5166 |
Proisir (AUS) 2009 | John Thompson | $6,500.00 | 07 888 3833 |
War Decree (USA) 2014 | Gus Wigley | $6,500.00 | 03 313 7853 |
Ocean Emperor (NZ) 2011 | Gary Hennessy | $7,000.00 | 021 358 191 |
Rock 'n' Pop (AUS) 2008 | Mark Chittick | $7,000.00 | 07 888 7717 |
Staphanos (JPN) 2011 | Ray Knight | $7,000.00 | 027 495 7319 |
Super Easy (NZ) 2008 | Mark Baker | $7,500.00 | 07 826 3266 |
Ardrossan (AUS) 2014 | Mark Chittick | $8,000.00 | 07 888 7717 |
Eminent (IRE) 2014 | Nick King | $8,000.00 | 07 824 0855 |
Summer Passage (AUS) 2014 | Lance O'Sullivan | $8,000.00 | 07 8887639 |
Shocking (AUS) 2005 | John Thompson | $8,500.00 | 07 888 3833 |
El Roca (AUS) 2010 | Russell Warwick | $9,000.00 | 09 292 7070 |
Ace High (AUS) 2014 | John Thompson | $10,000.00 | 07 888 3833 |
Redwood (GB) 2006 | Russell Warwick | $10,000.00 | 09 292 7070 |
Swiss Ace (AUS) 2004 | Russell Warwick | $10,000.00 | 09 292 7070 |
Time Test (GB) 2012 | Sam Williams | $10,000.00 | 06 377 5098 |
Belardo (IRE) 2012 | Mark Chitty | $12,000.00 | 09 292 7154 |
Contributer (IRE) 2010 | Simms Davison | $12,500.00 | 07 888 6814 |
Mongolian Khan (AUS) 2011 | Rodney Schick | $12,500.00 | 07 827 6656 |
Preferment (NZ) 2011 | Nick King | $12,500.00 | 07 824 0855 |
Rip Van Winkle (IRE) 2006 | Rodney Schick | $12,500.00 | 07 827 6656 |
Satono Aladdin (JPN) 2011 | John Thompson | $12,500.00 | 07 888 3833 |
Shamexpress (NZ) 2009 | Rodney Schick | $12,500.00 | 07 827 6656 |
Zacinto (GB) 2006 | Jonathan Scully | $12,500.00 | 027 531 4949 |
Darci Brahma (NZ) 2002 | Rick Williams | $15,000.00 | 07 823 3026 |
Ocean Park (NZ) 2008 | Mark Chittick | $15,000.00 | 07 888 7717 |
Reliable Man (GB) 2008 | Russell Warwick | $15,000.00 | 09 292 7070 |
Tarzino (NZ) 2012 | Russell Warwick | $15,000.00 | 09 292 7070 |
Turn Me Loose (NZ) 2011 | Rodney Schick | $15,000.00 | 07 827 6656 |
Vadamos (FR) 2011 | John Thompson | $15,000.00 | 07 888 3833 |
Per Incanto (USA) 2004 | Sam Williams | $17,500.00 | 06 377 5098 |
Charm Spirit (IRE) 2011 | Rodney Schick | $18,000.00 | 07 827 6656 |
Sacred Falls (NZ) 2009 | Mark Chittick | $20,000.00 | 07 888 7717 |
Tivaci (AUS) 2012 | Mark Chittick | $20,000.00 | 07 888 7717 |
U S Navy Flag (USA) 2015 | Jonathan Scully | $20,000.00 | 027 531 4949 |
Iffraaj (GB) 2001 | Mark Chitty | $25,000.00 | 09 292 7154 |
Almanzor (FR) 2013 | Scott Calder | $30,000.00 | 027 616 4235 |
Tavistock (NZ) 2005 | Scott Calder | $50,000.00 | 027 616 4235 |
Representing all the registered stallions per season as declared by owners, along with respective covering fees.
For further information contact the Stud Book department.