When Is Gambling a Problem?

Online gambling has increased significantly during social distancing. Learn to spot the warning signs of a gambling problem
before it starts to impact your life.

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With social distancing guidelines in place and casinos temporarily closed, online gambling has increased significantly. As we spend more time at home, often alone with far fewer distractions, it’s especially important to recognize the warning signs of a gambling problem and take precautions against the risks of online gambling.

Gambling becomes a problem when you have trouble stopping. When you spend more than you can afford. And when it begins to negatively impact other areas of your life, like your physical or mental health, school or work performance, finances, and/or your relationships.

People with gambling problems can max out their credit cards, borrow money, and neglect family, work or school obligations. Despite the negative consequences, they may deny that they have a problem, continue to chase their losses, and neglect their family, friends, work, and even themselves.

How to tell if you have a problem

Are you starting to have mixed feelings, like frustration and anxiety, when you think about gambling?

Ignoring your feelings only makes them worse. Eventually, they will begin to affect not just you, but your family and friends, too. Pay attention to how gambling makes you feel and know the warning signs before you develop a problem.

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Problem gambling can happen to anyone no matter their age, gender, race or social status. Find out where you stand against the average gambler.

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Know the warning signs of a gambling problem

  • Feeling guilty, anxious, frustrated or worried about your gambling
  • Thinking or talking about gambling more than usual
  • Gambling to win back money you’ve lost or thinking that a “big win” is right around the corner
  • Experiencing extreme highs from wins and extreme lows from losses
  • Finding it difficult to control or stop gambling, or feeling irritable when you try to stop
  • Feeling a sense of emptiness or loss when you’re not gambling
  • Borrowing money, selling things, committing (or considering committing) criminal acts to obtain money for gambling
  • Having increased debt, unpaid bills, or other financial troubles because of your gambling
  • Gambling to escape personal problems or to relieve feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, or loneliness
  • Gambling instead of attending family or other social functions or neglecting family or household responsibilities because of gambling

Young People and Gambling

Are you a student thinking you might have a gambling problem? Learn more about young people and gambling.

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Get help for a gambling problem

There’s a treatment centre ready, willing and able to help you.

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Want to take a break from gambling?

Find out how PlaySmart’s Self-Exclusion program can help.

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Get help for a loved one

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