Do you live with someone who has problems with their gambling?

Please answer the questions below :

1 Are you being constantly bothered by debt collectors?
Yes No

2 Is the person that is gambling, often not at home for lengthy, unexplained periods of time?
Yes No

3 When it comes to money, do you feel that this person cannot be trusted?
Yes No

4 Does this person genuinely promise that they will stop gambling, and maybe plead for another chance, only to gamble once again?
Yes No

5 Does the person constantly return to gambling in order to try and recover losses, or win more?
Yes No

6 Does the person ever borrow money to pay gambling debts, or to gamble with?
Yes No

7 Does the person have unrealistic expectations that gambling will bring the family wealth and material comfort, or do they gamble to get money to solve financial difficulties?
Yes No

8 Have you found yourself starting to hide money for family expenses in order to protect you and your family from going without food etc, because of the person's gambling?
Yes No

9 Does this person continually lie to cover up or deny their gambling activities?
Yes No

10 Have you ever threatened to break up the family unit, due to the continuing gambling of this person?
Yes No

11 Do they often induce guilt on you as a method of shifting responsibilities for their gambling?
Yes No

12 Do you find yourself attempting to anticipate this person's moods, or trying to control their life?
Yes No


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